In Loving Memory Of Elizabeth Anne Bienkowski




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Elizabeth Anne Bienkowski

Born: 23rd September 1952

Died: 16th October 2008

Below are some of the condolences from family & friends which were posted on Remembrance Online

Ben Bienkowski, Didcot

You will always be with me where ever I go. The pain is there and will always be there until we meet again. Sleep tight my darling, you are at peace. All my love, Len xxxxxx

William & Doreen Ferguson, Penicuik

We will always remember Liz, the first of the next generation in the Ferguson Family. We love you and miss you so much.  Aunty Doreen & Uncle Bill xxx

Paul Bienkowski, Didcot

Mum, It was such a shock. I still don't believe it has happened. I loved you so much and miss you more and more each day. If I had a wish it would be to have you back here for as long as you could be here. I feel I have not said goodbye to you properly. I will think about you each day for the rest of my life. I will never forget you Mum. I know you never wanted to leave us and you will be there in all our lives. I love you forever, Paul & Basil x x x

Nicky, Mark & Ryan Beecham, Didcot

The moment that dad phoned me to say you had died will be with me forever, I didn't want to believe it was true. I'm still hoping that I will wake up and it will all be a bad dream, but I know that won't happen. I think about and miss you every single day and wish I could see you again even if it is just for a short time. Christmas is going to be very hard this year without you here. Until we meet again mum remember I will always love you xxx

Arthur & Pearl Ferguson, Penicuik

Thinking of you always. You will be sadly missed.
Arthur, Pearl and family

Rikki Ferguson, Russia

Very sorry to hear the news, did not know your side of the family well but I have great memories of you and your family from my younger days.

Lynda & Steve Yeomans, Derby

For my lovely sister Liz its true that you don't know what you have until you have lost it I am so sorry we didn't have a lot of time Liz I wish we could have had a bit more time, but I know your in a better place now you will be in my thoughts always and I will miss you. She lived for those she loved and those she loved remember. God bless you and keep you safe until we meet again.

Jennifer & Mike Armstrong, Tewkesbury

Liz, We didn't know you for long but we did have some great times, will always appreciate the use of your bed one very Merry Christmas. Rest In Peace. Our thoughts are with you Ben especially at this time of the year.
Jennifer & Mike

Barb & Dave Corbett, Canada

Our thoughts and prayers are with you in this difficult time.

David, Sabrina & David Li, China

We all send our condolences. I was very shocked at the sad news.

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This site was last updated 14-Oct-2009

© Paul Bienkowski 2009